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Woman in Gold


Adele Bloch-Bauer (1881-1925) was painted in the beginning of the last century by Gustav Klimt. Plenty of gold did he use to bring forward the elegance of the Viennese lady. The family owned this and other pictures by Klimt until the Nazis took them away. After the war Austria exhibited the painting in the Belvedere gallery, naming it the Austrian Mona Lisa, claiming it as a national treasure. In 2006 after a long court battle Adele’s niece, Maria Altmann was recognized as the truthful owner of this artwork.

This story together with documents from history is shown in the movie „woman in gold“ starring Helen Mirren as Maria Altmann, Ryan Reynolds as her lawyer Randy Schoenberg and Daniel Brühl as a helpful Austrian journalist. A most valuable history lesson, moving and touching.

Luna Yoga